Your purple cons are so hot...

Ladies and gentleman I give you the come on of the week. I have to say I thought it was great. Let me set the scene.

I am sitting across the street at R's having tea. All summer I've been meaning to sit out there and listen to the cute guys who play good jazz and all summer I would go home and collapse. And tonight I was like, "It's the end of the fucking summer, I don't care what else happens , I AM GOING." So I go and I am sitting on this nice night listening to jazz, trying to correct student papers, but not trying so hard as to miss out on the music and this guy leans over and asks me "What university are you editing papers for?" I was so impressed. Most people think I teach high school. Most people ask me what grade I teach. I told him and it turns out he is getting his PhD in philosophy and then he leans in and says, "I think your purple cons are so hot." I started laughing because I was expecting something like "I think you have a great body" or "I think your breasts are fabulous." He continued, "I think no matter what you wear, you can wear your purple cons around me."

Now I suspect the guy was slightly drunk, and his two female friends decided to leave taking him along with him shortly after that cutting our conversation short, but still it was funny and it made my night entertaining so I don't have feel bad about being too freakin' shy to talk to the hot guitarist. ( I'm such a yutz.)

I think I need to force myself to go out and do that more often because really it was a nice way to spend the night. Two and half hours of jazz ona nice night with a cup of tea and a creative come on line.

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