I Feel...um..Pretty?

So, I just got some pics (What am I? 13?) from Halloween, and I look fabulous. Really, the costume looked better than I thought, the make up was fab, the whole thing just really spot on. ( I got third place at a costume comp, but if you saw who came in first and second you would understand why coming in third is such an honor-I know one thing in this life and that is you can not CAN NOT beat a drag queen in a costume competition-period, end of story-unless you are, of course, a fellow drag queen, in which case you have a shot) But what shocked me is how great I looked. Not just the costume and the make up and the hair, but really I was all smiley and cute and spritely and I thought "Do I really look like that? Do I really look that happy most of the time?" The pictures brought home to me how much disparity there is between my external appearance and my internal experience. It also emphasized how much hard I am on myself in terms of appearance. I look kick ass. I was worried about looking old and uncool, but no, I am one slick little bitch damn it. And I still put together a mean little costume.

Honestly I wish I could post pictures, but that would be dangerous. Most of my students blog, and I am suprised that none of them have stumbled this way, but I suppose none of them are all that enterprising. Hell, it's difficult enough to get them read a three page essay, never mind go off in search of a blog they don't even know exists.

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