Because there is nothing to fear except Brooke Shields re-enacting Jabberwocky with the Muppets

Smitten has a lovely post about fears. I posted mine to her comments, but I thought I would take this moment to share some of the stranger phobias from my past. Apparently as a child my theory was since I was going to be irrational anyway why not be really creative about being irrational.

My odd acute phobias from childhood/adolescence in order of longest duration of fear to shortest:

alien abduction
demonic possession
spontaneous human combustion
the crypt keeper
the show "Tales from the Darkside"
the Brook Shields' episode of "The Muppet Show"
the doorway to my bedroom
the film "Tron"
Mr. Yuck ads

In grad school because of the Brook Shields' episode, I became convinced that everyone from my generation has one Muppet Show that totally scarred them mentally. ( I actually confirmed that theory one night over several Coronas-there is a doctoral thesis in there somewhere I know it.)

I then developed the theory that everyone has odd little acute phobias. I confirmed this theory using my very first creative writing class. What were some of their bizarre fears?

turtleneck sweaters
bridges ( because of the film "Annie")
winter clothes

Anyone care to share their favorite odd phobia?

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