I can out freak you any day of the week
Last night when I was getting on the train, there was a cute, christ what to call them, punk couple-al in black, black hair, piercings, the girl had a furry bag with a chain for a strap, the guy had a shaved head-but really the looked sweet enough, young as they were (early 20s). But then I noticed the girl giving me a distasteful look.

Now I get looks from people all the time. Iget looks, people whispering and obvious giggling, I even get pointing and laughing. When I get it from "conventional women" on the train, I assume it has mostly to do with the assumption that I have indulged in some ill advised breast augmentation surgery. But when it comes from, well people who seem to court being noticed ( dye your hair black, pierce your lip, dress like a gothic Pippi Longstocking) I am more confused.

Take for, example, the other night when dressed to meet my mother for the theater, I got on a crosstown bus in front of a kid sporting, I kid you not, a foot and a half afro-all around. I would have hardly taken too much notice of his tumble weed of hair if he hadn't kept directing "What the fuck is wrong with you?" looks directly in my direction. I was on my period that day and tempted to walk to him and "Listen, I am more of a freak than you can ever hope to be. I get a pair of shears and you are just another Gap ad. I don't even have to put effort into this. I wake up being freak-o-rama and this is just the freakiness you can see. Don't even get me started on my more invisible freakdom so just back off."

My question is why is that people who WORK to be freaks have hostility towards those of us who achieve it naturally? Would they admire us or at the very least see us as kindred spirits? Is it so much to ask to get acceptance from SOMEBODY even if they have a five foot railroad spike stickingo ut of their heads?

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