I am Terry Schiavo
I was teaching class yesterday and one of my students, one of those always asking the tangent students, one of those "I just pulled in from Alpha Centauri to pick up my mail" forgetting to take his antipsychotic medication what conversation were you listening to students raised his hand.

Inwardly I shuddered fearing what completely derailing comment he might make.

"Prof. Bunni do you find that you're a lot less happy because you know grammar?"


"Well, I mean like you were complaining before class about how it hurts you when people use double negatives and stuff. I mean, don't you think you would enjoy things more if you didn't know about all this stuff?"

"Are you asking me if my quality of life has diminished because of my command of the English language?"

"Uh, yeah."

"Sure, misuse annoys me, but we all have those idiosyncratic annoyances. On the other hand, at least I can write a cover letter without a lot of anxiety."

This is what I said, but what I was thinking is, "You now have my permission to remove the feeding tube."

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