The Ambivalent Nature of Salad
So the other day I'm having lunch with a friend who orders salad.

"What I love about salad is that you can eat forever and never get full."

"That's what disturbs me about it. I like a distinctive beginning and end. I don't like the ambiveltn nature of salad."

Well, I have recovered a bit. I'm no longer so depressed I am drinking martinis out of the toilet. And thank you for all the support.

It's hard to explain the true nature of depression to people who haven't experienced it. They keep asking "But what happened?"and you have to say nothing happened, nothing, I just woke up and thought crickey everything is a vast hole of nothingness.

Of course the bad part of coming out of a depressive state is you suddenly see how you have been and how you have behaved and what you have written and you are totally embarassed. You think "lord no wonder people flee." It's enough to send you back into another depression. I think this time just a nap will do.

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