You might be a killer if...
"Being a cannibal is lonely. Hard to make friends."-Ahhh cannibal angst courtesy of Ravenous

My students had to read John Grisham's "Unnatural Killers" essay over the weekend. Most of them seem to believe that violent movies lead to violent behavior so I asked them to write a list of the violent entertainment they have indulged in over the last four weeks. Their lists seem sparse compared to my own. Why just yesterday I watched Jabberwocky, The Incredibles, and Ravenous. But in the interest of public whateverness, I thought I would post my own list. Stars indicate that the film was viewed more than one time in the month long period.

American Beauty
The Brothers Grimm
Boondock Saints*
Comic Strip Live
Do Not Adjust Your Set
The Dangerous Brothers
The Incredibles
Grosse Point Blank
Sin City*
Swimming with Sharks
The Usual Suspects

Care to join in the violent fun? Since I don't have cable, my viewing is confined to dvds and tapes, but feel free to include tv shows and video games.

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