You Shouldn't Have: Meditations of a Feverish Bunni
I have been receiving concerned emails from some of my regular readers because I have been "quiet" about what is currently going on in my life. I was being quiet because, well, I figured you really would want to know. Today one of my students used the word "guinea pigging" as in "when doctors are guinea pigging patients..."I discovered the blog of one my students who referred to me as "everyone's favorite midget" (I've refrained from adding the link as it uses my real name. I rarely use real names here, and certainly never have even when referring to students. I have at least had the decenecy not to humiliate them in public like that.) Turns out Eric Kinsman is still on Friendster as he recently looked up my profile. Where is he now? He's in a relationship in California. I've been living a loveless existence for the last five years.So I've wasted five years of my life here in NYC doing what? Writing bar stories, being professionally unlovable, and failing to teach.
And the first person who says anything about "self pity" I swear to god as sick as I am I am going to find you and make Hostel look like a Disney film.
Bad Bunni posted at
1/25/2006 11:26:00 AM |