And then I realized the joke was on me
I was sitting in my usual coffee house this morning, much earlier than usual, furiously trying to finishing evaluating a set of papers when this young woman I've chatted with before came in. She's getting her Ph.D. in psychology, and so we've had a few conversations. "Oh, I was thinking of you last night," she said, "I just found out that I'll be teaching next semester, and I wanted to ask you if you would be willing to give me some advice."

"Honey," I said, "there are only two things that every teacher needs: a shovel and an alibi."


Finally she says, "I don't get it."

"The shovel is for burying them, and the alibi is so you don't get caught." She smiled then and laughed. I went back to grading papers thinking maybe it would be the students who would need the alibi.

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