Lapin de Neige

Well, I know, I know it's been awhile, but you know the usual end of semester insanity plus a party the day after I gave exams because, as usual, no one is available of my real birthday, plus buying and making gifts, and finally finishing this big secret writing project. I don't have a lot of free time.
And the depression, of course, which hits worst this time of year not because of the lack of sun, but because of the lack of a family of my own, which hurts me more and more as I get older.

To try and distract myself from this I volunteered to make Christmas presents for my mother. Here you can see Gingerbread Snowflakes, Orange Cardamom Snowflakes, and Jalapeno Peanut Brittle.

While the orange cardamom cookies are delish, be warned! They are some seriously fussy little cookies. After Christmas I'm going to experiment with taking a regular sugar cookies recipe and just replacing the vanilla with the grated orange peel and cardamom. I shall let you know the results. This will, of course, not help my diet in the least, but it IS being productive, which is important when battling depression.

The recent snow fall here did give me some happiness and I took this picture while out with Office Elf. He was full of hot chocolate and cupcakes from Magnolia Bakery after dragging me to see The Wrestler. All I can say is "Did I miss the meeting where Marisa Tomei became contractually obligated to get naked IN EVERY FREAKIN' MOVIE?" Still it was lovely.

For you Scrooges out there, Evil Christmas is an utterly perfect craptacular cheesy holiday themed slasher film. Trust me, you will NOT be disappointed. It's ridiculous to the point of being brillaint.

As you can tell, I don't blog as much and I'm not sure if I don't blog because I'm depressed or if I'm depressed because I don't blog as much. Part of it is with the big writing project, I don't have as much energy to write here as well, but soon that project will be done and I'll perhaps I will blog here more often so I can figure out the whole blogger/depression angle-if there even is one.

But to all of you out there, I hope you do have a very Merry Christmas and snuggle with your loved ones and have a truly happy holiday season!

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