I have decided that in my quest to become the bad bunni queen of the weblog world (again that german heritage) that what I really need is a cool logo. I stumbled on a website today My Cat Hates You Dot Com, which I think is just brilliant. The front page alone just made me burst out laughing. And then there is a MERCHANDISE SECTION-and I thought to myself "I hope they make greeting cards." Wouldn't that be absolutely excellent? You send someone some frilly looking birthday card-on the front flowers and rhymes and then on the inside it's all black and in big red letters it says MY CAT HATES YOU. I would just laugh. Then I thought the really untapped market here is break-up cards. I mean we all have that one ex who deserves a particularly nasty break-up. One of my friend's from high school said his favorite mean fantasy break up-he was way too nice to do it-was to send a girl a postcard reading "Welcome to Dumpsville-Population:You P.S. I'm gay." I like the more sophisticated "I'm hope you're up on your history because that's what you are about to become." Or if a guy break up with you and says "We can still be friends," respond with, "Yeah, your lips can become friends with my ass on its way out the door." But back to the break up card-I think this is an idea that's day has come. But I would love to send a guy that's all black and on the inside in red it says "It's you, not me-I didn't fake orgasm, I faked interest-I wouldn't even bother stealing your cds, and MY CAT HATES YOU." I would pay for that. Or even an e-card. I think I should inform the people at My Cat Hates You Dot Com (which somehow seems funnier when written out) of my idea. I just love this site. It shows you how something so simple can provide so much entertainment for hours and hours and hours.

Which bring us to the whole eric how could you not even say thank you letter thingy. So this is what I have been writing in my head so far:

(generic greeting)

Assuming that nothing has gone wrong, you will be graduating this May. It hurts me that I haven't heard from you, first because you were at my graduation. It also hurts because do you honestly think you would be where you are right now without me? When I met you, you were terrified of backsliding to Las Vegas. You weren't going to return in the fall, remember? And then, because of me, or so you claimed, you did. But even if you didn't stay at NYU because of me, think of how many things were different because I was there. According to your mother, I was your rock. Think of all the ways I helped you, and now you are going to graduate without a word to me:not an email, not a phone call, not even a post card saying "thank you." You re going to severe all contact with me without even a single word.

I'm not writing this because I want to hear from you. I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to see you. In fact for a year I lived in mortal fear of seeing you. I spent the majority of time on campus pumped full of anti anxiety medication. Now I could care less. But there is a part of me that wants to be sure that you are alive. There is a part of me that wants to know that you are ok. I suppose I just never really got the hang of not being able to care. A friend of mine from high school died recently. I got the letter in the morning and I almost didn't go to work because I was so upset. I hadn't talked to her in ten years, and what upset me the most is that I just assumed that all of us, the whole gang would still be around. But she isn't. Somehow I thought I would know if something happened to one of us, but I didn't. She died suddenly just shy of our ten year anniversary and I didn't find out for four months. I've been trying to find out what happened to my first boyfriend for the last five years, not because I want to get back together with him, but because we were close friends for three years and I cared about him. I care about him still. I hope he is alive and even more I hope he is happy. Even if I never find out, I will always wonder and I will always care. He could not kill my wonder with 10 years of silence. Do you really think you can kill mine with only two?

What do you think? As always send comments to the bad bunni herself: MissLapin@aol.com.

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