I realize that I have not posted an inspirational quote for the day for two days in a row so let me fill that need:

"You know I used to the think that it was an effort for you to a self-centered prick. I thought it was a front. Now I know it is a G-d given talent. It's being a decent human being that is the effort for you."

" You know I've thought a lot of nasty things about you in the last two years, but never, until this moment, did I ever think that you were stupid." -I suppose this is cheating but those of these quotations are from me-I have been encouraged by other people to start posting my own quotations instead of other people-but for those who are desperately missing out on other quotations I offer you the following from Woody Allen in Deconstructing Harry "So you expect the world to adjust to the distortion that you've become."

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