Thought I wasn't going to post huh? Well, I'm just making it under the wire. Although I have to admit I'm kind of strapped for a good inspirational quote. Let me think. Today, I kept thinking of the Usual Suspects so maybe I'll have to go with "Well, let me ask you what you think the DEA would have said if I told them that the Lochness Monster hired me to go and hit that harbor?" It's a nice line, isn't it? Everyone else goes for the big lines (like the biggest trick the devil ever pulled...) Or maybe I will go back to my totally eighties trend and quote Labyrinth, "Oh it's so stimuating being your head."

Well it is he who shall not be named's birthday today, is quite unfortuantely now 22. And I would like to say, happy freakin' birthday you totally pathetic slab of matter that calls itself a human being. My only hope for the upcoming year is that it be filled with the unrelenting agony that you so richly deserve.

Do I sound bitter? Well, just look at this way, I didn't send him a dead rat. Or a dead anything really. My absence probably thinks I have "moved on". How many times did he say that? "You need to move on." Well it would be considerably easier if you hadn't just driven my soul and my will to live into the core of the frickin' planet. Just advice for next time.

Well I had a strange night last night, but I'm too tired to write about it. So here's the deal. You imagine it. And then tomorrow I'll write about it, and you will see how much better what you imagined is compared to my actual experience.

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