Go For the Heart
For the last two years I've been trying to be a part of the blogathon, and yet my efforts have always been thwarted. I have finally signed up, and although it was hard for me to pick a charity (it seems I should donate to something for mental health, literacy, or education), when I orginally started planning to do the blogathon, I decided my first time I would have the American Heart Association as my charity and that I would do 48 Movies and Memories-horror films and my associations with them in honor of my father who died at 54 of congestive heart failure. If you want to register for the blogathon go here, and if you wish to be a sponsor for myself or some other blogger go here. I will be posting a button here soon for people who wish to sponsor me. Because if I must be a horror film addicted sleeping disorder suffering blogger, I might as well be a horror film addicted sleeping disorder suffering blogger in the name of charity.

This year the blogathon will be on August 6th. So get out your Red Bull and your wallets people, and let's get ready to RRRRRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUMBLE.

Well done!
[url=http://bxplywgh.com/rryx/povy.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://xhphyitt.com/tyba/nbhp.html]Cool site[/url]
Great work!
http://bxplywgh.com/rryx/povy.html | http://ghnutcpc.com/jrua/iogv.html
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