Rattle and Hum
I have already posted about blogathon 2005 and my soon to be heroic 48 posts about horror films, in honor of my father and proceeds going to the American Heart Association. Yet strangely I haven't even raised 200 dollars. AHEM. If even a few of you sponsor five dollars, you will be making a huge difference to my self esteem as a charity fundraiser. Because really this isn't about helping out other people who, you know, suffer and all that, it's about me. All of it. All the time. I am the bellybutton of the universe and as such I demand that you sponsor me or I shall put in an order with the secretaries of certain underlords who report to certain hoary hellbeasts that you are to get a karmic bitchslap on an epic level for being apathetic twerps. The blogathon is August 6th so there is no time to delay.

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