Thank You Easter Bunny
Well, I'm up to nine sponsors, and I've raised more money than I thought I would, it is all thanks to you, my lovely and devoted readers. I would send you each thank you notes, but many of donated under your real names, and I only know your screen identities. I would sure love it if those of you who gave to send me an email so I could thank each and everyone of you personally. For those of you who have come here to lend your support of myself and other blogathoners, thanks so much! We appreciate all the support we can get: comments, emails, photos of genetically mutated ocelots (well you could cut down on those as actually we seem to be over this years quota), and IMs.
Someday I'm going to Marry that Monkey
Of course, none of this wouldn't have been possible if it wasn't for a very special man in my life, my very own
sockmonkey. I tell you readers, someday I'm going to marry that man or at the very least abduct him and treat him to the very best marshmallow fluff and cheap sex week of his monkified existence because this man...there are not words good enough for this man. He redesigns my template, dealing with the frustration that is IE for three hours, all on his own as a present, he fixes me up with the whole blogathon webring with my stats in the corner, he deals with my panicked emails without complaint, AND he donates money as if he hasn't already done enough. Not to mention all the moral support he shows me. This from a man who has never even met me in person; He has not even gotten a real life taste of the hooterliciousness that is the Bunni. I've had
boyfriends who didn't treat me this well. Say it with me one time won't you WE LOVE BLOGMONKEY!!!!
So I have my list horror film quotes and premises, 8 cans of red bull, LOTS of English Breakfast tea, Marv the killer bunny, my music selections (lots of punk and upbeat 80's music), select
Lush products (you crack the whip-body butter, whoosh-pulse point balm, fever-massage bar, pied de pepper-foot lotion), and a bag of favorite snack, fluffy stuff, all laid out on my computer desk. My timer is downloaded, my computer is set to the world clock, and I have
my support team lined up. So all that's left is for me to get a good night sleep. Oh and by the way, while I'll be blogging, my mother will be hosting a margarita party. No joke. Everything in life is timing. And everything else is good chocolate, quality bath products, and fabulous friends.
Those who wish to prepare for this landmark event might want to go
here and enjoy the MST3K movie poster gallery!
Bad Bunni posted at
8/05/2005 11:11:00 PM |