They Live
Ah yes it was time for another Rowdy Roddy Piper film. I'm not sure there actually was a plot to this film except there was a whole lot of sunglass wearing making it look like the world's longest Corey Hart video. I thought this one was a gimme so held off until I thought many of you would be asleep. Still, many of you recognized it! Excellent work.

More fun with mutants: Sheriff: I... I... I never heard of a crocodile crossing an ocean.
Doctor:Well, they conceal information like that in books.

From the same film "If I had a dick, this is where I'd tell you to suck it!"

Blogger status: 15 hours of consciousness, 14 hours of bloggin', 5 drinks, I'm freakin' exhausted. It's ice shower time for me. The music and red bull aren't much help right about now. What I love about Bakerina is she is freakin' out about having "quality" posts. My posts degenerated to five sentences hours ago, and she's writing the Magic Mountain of food blogging. If I wasn't so tired, I'd be ashamed. Ice shower time.

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