Night and Day
Whenever I have to teach on Halloween, I wear my glittery red devil horns and my smoking jacket. I know my students think I'm evil. I have one who consistently threatens to come to my office with "an old priest, a young priest, and whole lotta holy water." I've tried to explain to him that being born a Jew, I'm not really sure if that's the best way to exorcise me, but he's welcome to try. At least it's cheaper than psychotherapy.

What amazes me these days about riding the subway, walking around NYU, even hanging out at a coffee shop is how few people will admit to seeing the horns. Most people look away like I'm crazy. I've only seen one other person in costume today. One! Where did all the joy go people? It's Halloween in NYC. In the Village no less. That used to mean something. I can remember some years where Halloween was a two week event. The year my friend Treehugger dressed as a bear and I dressed as a Viking and everyone thought we were the most obscene bachelor party duo ever, I think we hit something ridiculous like 10 different costume parties. But these days it seems people just buy something in a bag and guzzle liquor, same as every weekend. Even as I type this only one of my students who walked into class has even noticed I'm wearing horns.

Tonight I'll be an angel, just for a reversal of fortune. Hopefully the party tonight, which was lame last year, will be more inspiring this year. Otherwise I'll have to look forward to my Halloween in November party with Kiss Kiss. (Listen, if they can start putting Christmas decorations in stores in October, I can have a little Halloween in November.) Those of you on the A list will get pictures. The rest of you will have to dream.

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