That's Wrong, Right?
I am desperately trying to write these reviews people. I swear it. But it's been an exhausting week and to top off my sleep deprivation, last night was the ballroom Halloween party. It was also my last night of dancing with Captain Hot. Oh we shall miss him and his ridiculousness and even, dare I say it, his I Hate Americans platform. He claims he'll be coming back, but the day I count on a Russian man to tell me the truth is a long way off. Unfortunately, three hours of dancing has left me with a mind full of cottonballs with my only thought being about how can I cut off my legs and dull the throbbing pain.

I had planned to be Rainbow Brite for Halloween, but Ricky's screwed me over and so I ended up at the last minute constructing a woodland sprite costume from things in my closet and make up box. It's not a good thing that I happened to win a prize for a costume from things just thrown together from my closet, right? I mean, people aren't just suppose to have fairy wings and flower garlands lying around waiting for a good moment, or am I wrong? The good news is that even with my last minute costume I managed to maintain my four years reign of best costume. What pisses me off is the two other people who won were wearing clearly store bought costumes. Usually my costumes have some store bought elements. I mean, when I was an angel I didn't make those freakin' wings, but I would put in my own elements. For example, my halo was actually a christmas tree garland that I wove together. Just doesn't seem right that someone who know how to handle a credit card should share the limelight with an artist like myself. Harumph.

I swear that by tomorrow the Apartment 206 review will be up. Really and truly. I just have to find my head. I know I left it here somewhere.

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