Rembrance of Things Past: Bunni Edition
It seems that everyone is moving-Captain Ron to his new brownstone in Yonkers, the Amazon to the Village, and my beloved Coffeeslave to Philly. I am the only constant; should I change my course, sailors would no longer no have to navigate for the very stars will have moved out of position.

Last night Coffeeslave and I sat outside and pondered life, the universe, and everything. She was waving her beer in a bag under the clear night sky, "As soon as I get to Philly I'm going to find me a young man. I'm gonna cruise in my car sayin' 'I'll get you beer. Here have a cigarette.' Oh yes."

Rarely the universe sends me a person to remind me that I'm not quite as crazy as I would like to think I am.

I'm going to miss her.

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