Woman Who Runs With Wolves
So today I had the second alteraction with a man in less than a week in which I repeatedly told him, this one a friendly aquiantance whose personality has degenerated to the point of essentially being intolerable, to leave me alone.

The backstory:

When my friend David was alive, he worked some magic and made this asshat tolerable. Sure there were issues-he had this paternal way of regarding me-a kind of oh isn't she charmingly misguided but let me explain how things really work. And I let it go because it was occassionally.

Now, after David died this guy has degenerated into a more and more patronising attitude towards me until last night, to my mind, he stepped over the line. He engaged the Doberman in an argument about stem cell research. He's one of those twits who really thinks anyone who disagrees with him just needs to be properly educated. Now my boy posse, they are nuanced thinkers. So of course captain asshat started relying on all these bullshit weasel-y logical fallacies.

The Doberman pointed out a few, and I pointed out a few. And while he had enough respect to counter with the boy posse, he completely disregarded my say.

Back to the Rising Action:

So today he comes in and finds me sans boy posse. (They went to get lunch, and I was guarding their stuff which makes me...what is the opposite of pussy whipped?) He says "I got the sense you were very angry with me last night." And I told him that he doesn't take me seriously. And instead of just listening and taking the criticism he starts in with defending himself and explaining how my perception of events is wrong and challenging my allegations.

Now, do you see the problem?

If he took me seriously, he would have listened and processed my comments instead of being worried about being "right." But instead it's about being right.

Classic mistake.

So then when I challenge him it's that he's a guy. That's my problem. I'm just another misandrist. Which is why I spend every fucking day of every fucking week with the boy posse. The boy posse who oogle women in front of me, who complain to me about booty calls, who tell me tales of private school hijinx. We argue. We bust each others balls. These are wimpy ridiculous caricatures of masculinity. These are men. And I like 'em.

They also wouldn't make the mistake of being so patronising towards me.

So the boy posse enters, and instead of talking to me he starts defending himself to them. The Doberman calls to his attention that he should be talking to me, not them. Now I've told him several times to leave me alone, stop talking to me. It's a simple directive. Just leave me be.

I have a temper. When I say things like "just leave me alone." It's best for everyone if you listen.

But he won't listen to me. So I decide to leave because nothing will be settled this way. So what does he do? He follows me out yelling at me that I'm too sensitive, and I twist what he says.

I'm too sensitive.

Then this nelly goes in and tries to convince the boy posse that I have issues with men and I'm too sensitive.

The boy posse tried to get him to see reason-essentially if I have issues with men I have the strangest way of coping with it. And certainly I am not too sensitive as that we regularly give each other shit. I am well known as a girl who can dish it out as well as she takes it. And notice he wouldn't, for a minute, consider that there was SOME veracity to my remarks.

What an outstanding asshat.

Not interesting to anyone but myself, but I had to vent. And wonder what it is about men that when I say "leave me alone" they think the SMART THING to do is not follow that simple imperative.


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