Ok so let me continue. There is a lot more serious scandal up ahead, but of course, I have to attempt to tell things in order.
So when we last our heroine (myself) I had come in dead last in almost every dance. I should say that not only was it that Drew didn't know the steps, but also I kept telling him that the judges can't watch us the whole time, just do the steps we know really well. Even the managers of the studio told him that, but did he listen? No. He kept doing the steps that we didn't know.
Ok so then I went and did the scholarships. Now the scholarships are the most competitive events because you are competing for money and also there aren't the normal seperations (age, ability,gender) you are up against anyone in your division on the dance floor. I came in second in smooth which means I seriously kicked butt. For a first timer to get second is a serious coup, which means I must be pretty good. That was the saving grace of my saturday.
Ok I should say now that I've been drinking and as much as I want to write about the rest of my saturday and how Drew got fired and how Max is now my permanent teacher. (Oh poor max has been trying to make me feel better. I keep telling him not to bother. Today he was trying to tell me to think of it as a hobby. I told him I take everything seriously. He was like "Well then, things will be much harder on you." As if I hadn't already noticed that. Like when I was five or six years ago, but you can't change your nature. A rabbit is always a rabbit. It can't become a fox. )
On tomorrow's thrilling update how Drew ditched me at the saturday night banquet. How I've felt like I've been hit by a bus for a week. Max as the new latin teacher. A Beast update.

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