So this weekend was the regional ballroom competition. There was much scandal and gnashing of teeth.
I should start by saying even getting to the damn competition was drama in and of itself. Who knew it would so hard to get into New Jersey. And of course because this isn't like a normal four day vacation but a ballroom comp. I've got a thousand bags. I've got the garment bag for my three gowns and the shoe bag for my two pairs of shoes. I've got half my suit case filled with moisturizer, foot lotion, hairspray, make up fix, a large selection of costume jewelry, several pairs of nylons, nail polish (for touch ups), nail polish remover (in case I got beyond the hope of touch ups) etc etc. I was like a not so mobile spa. What I could have used was a mule. I mean, I just looked so stereotypical, little jewish girl laden with beauty products. (Hey, forty years in the desert I'm bringing my moisturizer and my kiehl's lip balm.) What I needed was a burrow, but burrows are not available for rent on the east coast. (Hint hint entrepreneurs, here is a large untapped market-burrow and mule rental.)

So I got the comp. and I have to say a ballroom comp. is one of the few places where overpacking is the norm. Watching people leave on sunday I realized quite a few could have used maybe two or three burrows. So My assortment of make up and dresses was the norm. So I watched dancing thrusday night and I would like to say you haven't lived till you;ve seen a whole room of women all in studded gowns seriously dance. I'm talking Viennese Waltz and avdanced Foxtrot. It was just amazing. It was worth it just to watch and be inspired by these women. (Although I have to admit I kept thinking "But I'll never be that good" sniffle.) Then Friday I did my smooth dances. It went well although not as well as I hoped. I got first in a couple of divisions, but not all of them. This made me realize that A I have very high standards for myself and B even when I achieve everything I want (my goal for this comp was just to get a couple of firsts which I did) I still find a way to discredit it. Like if I had gottenf irst in everything I would have been like "Oh well it's only a regional comp." or "Well, it's because I was dancing way above my level and all the people I went up against didn't have the same level. (The practice of consciously signing on to compete a lower level is known as "dancing down". Look at me with the dance competition.)

Well there is even more scandal, but I have to sleep. I'm totally wrecked and i should be correcting papers, but we all know that isnt' going to happen. I need a paper grading burrow. Someone shouldget the genetics sompanies on that.

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