This is getting to be like an after school special or, even more frighteningly, a soap opera.
OK OK so I'm to Drew being fired and Max being made my permanent latin teacher, which has its own little tribulations. Um I think I've actually come to the conclusion of that saga. (There is actually some more to write about in reference to Max, but I tired of the subject. I'm sure that I can write about it later. Like after I finally tell you what happened on Halloween.)
Ok in other news, last tuesday (lord I'm behind) the Beast called. He actually called on the saturday of comp. I chattered at him for about fifteen minutes and then went and danced very well in my scholarship division. So he called Tuesday and I decided to do our regular I grade in fitzpatrick's until midnight he amble sin at some point we talk until one or two at which point we adjourn to some other locale. (I'm not going into anymore detail than that. So just put a stopper in your dirty thoughts right now.) ANYWAY, something went terribly wrong in the lab and he didn't show up until 1:30. What a patient little girl am I. While I was there waiting this Italian-Yugoslavian started hitting on me. OK first off he was 22. Second he had that whole stereotypic European gigolo thing going on (you know the silky shirt unbuttoned two buttons, the slicked hair, the kiss on the hand, the "Do you know what bella means?") Oh yeah, baby, hold me back. So this is what is entertaining me while I wait for the Viking to show up. And this guy is just, well, I'll be kind and say he probably doesn't know much English, but conversation with him was really grating on me. At first it was nice, he was going on and on about my hair and smile and face. But you know that's only a good opener, after an hour I kind of expect the guy to move on and notice that I have a brain rattling around in this pretty little noggin of mine. (I think I just dted myself by using the word "noggin.")
OK so I gave the guy my phone number. I admit not the best decision I ever made, but he was there and he was paying attention which is more than I could say for the beast, although when the beast is around, there is much to give him credit.
So the beast shows up and sees me with this "leering italian". This is probably not what he expected, but I have to say you leave a girl like me in a bar for like an hour and a half and men are gonna come a runnin'. (Ok maybe that's an exaggeration, maybe a jog or a fast walk is more like it) Anyway, the Beast couldn't sit next to me because all fo the seats were taken. I mean on some level, I was like "Alright now he sees you don't come for the girl on time you might have to work to keep her affections." But that's just the thing I don't think he really would. I think if I was like "Alright you're late piss off," he would be like "Alright" and that would be the end of that. SO here I am watching the two of them talk together. The best was at one point they started talking about me. Of course, I was paying strict attention, although I pretended, very well, to be all distracted. And the Italian starts in on how beautiful I am, the same spiel (the hair the eyes the smile..oh bella!) and the beast says, and I love him for this, "she's is very smart too," Italian "Oh yes I know, I can see her thinking." And this is again where the Beast says something that only he would say and is one of the reasons why I keep him around "No, that's the thing, she doesn't have to stop and think. She's that smart. It comes without effort. This is not a girl you usually just meet on a bar stool." And yet here she is sitting on a bar stool! Its a great trick.
So the Beast and I try to pawn on the Italian on this other girl. He's not having it, he's trying to pawn the Beast off onto her. So the Beast and I go off.
Now I admit, I must have had more to drink than I realized because I finally asked the beast the question I've been wanting to ask him since August. The Question: "Are you seeing anyone else?" THE ANSWER (trumpets please) NO. Ah yes my blonde beast. He is very cute on the few occassions he manages to escape from the lab. Oh and one other thing, I told him how when he was going on the list about all the good things about me (way back on the night when I was depressed because of my evil kids) that I only heard beautiful and tuned everything else out. And his immediate response was "Well, you know you are smart." He didn't finish the comment, but the implication is clear. I tuned out the stuff about my intelligience because I'm confident. I tuned into beautiful because I'm not very confident about that. He knows me too well. Unfortuantely he won't be around for my birthday. Yes another totally depressing and awful birthday approaches.
I'm afraid that although I was doing well there for a while I'm getting depressed again. It's the holidays and other elements. But my wrist is about to fall off and I'm sure your attention span is failing. I shall write about holiday malaise tomorrow.

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