Note to self-never watch the movie "Seven" right before teaching class. All I could think of was Brad Pitt shaking his head at Kevin Spacey and saying, "Could the freak be any more vague?"

This is going a long way back but I haven't heard from the Beast in quite a while. The last time I got a phone message from him was two weeks ago and the last time we actually spoke was the last week in January. So here is the grand question: Do I call? Not to get back together. (No of course not, I would never back slide into a relationship with a really attractive genius. Never.) But just to have "closure." I mean, I hate this we see each other for seven months and now I have no clue if he even notices I'm not around. I guess that would be the point of the call, to go "See, see I'm not here anymore, I'm off doing other things. Well, not right now, but soon and not with you, unless of course you aren't busy in which case you are free to join, but I'll still give you a nasty look when you first walk in, maybe." I mean, you can't really taunt someone with how disinterested you are. I mean what am going to do really if closure is what I'm actually interested in "I'm just calling to let you know that we are over. I just wanted there to be a record of that." Like somewhere that's going to get entered into some big book of break ups. That is if he even considered me to be his girlfriend to begin with, which we never actually established.It's just one of those days when where I am filled with envy for my cat who is fixed.

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