It's so much better when you don't talk

Oh yeah, this one goes out to the director of the Matrix-you can almost hear him off screen telling Keanu "You know it's so much more POWERFUL when you don't say no, close your mouth, yes that's it...and give me that David Duchovny blank expression....and CUT!"

From last night's date I got this email today:

I had the best time with you, this evening. You're beautiful and intellegent and special. And I like you. I hope we get together again, soon.

Ok it's on the short side, but really, he got in, he said what he needed to, and he didn't waste my time. Unfortunately this was the subject line of the email: hi, shorty.....


In keeping with the theme I will include today's IQOTD

"If you'll just shut up for a minute, I'll come." Molly Ringwold in the Robert Downey Jr vehicle the Pick-Up Artist

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