
So I had a lesson with Miracle Gro tonight. It was different. He started off in a bad mood, but then he perked up. "You put me in a good mood. Do you know that?"

Baby, that's just the beginning of what I would like to put you in.....

and on....and around...and under....

but seriously folks, having drinks with him on tuesday changed things-he is much more complimentary towards me today. He kept saying you are doing so well. He seems to have more, I don't know, to be more concerned about me and put more of an effort in.

Maybe now he understands how much this means to me, or that I am not just a client.

What is odd is that having drinks with him really improved my dancing. I don't know how but it worked.

Better living through liquor-that's what I say.

The good news is he ordered his computer so soon I shall be in his apartment helping him with his whatever he needs help with.

And I do mean whatever he needs help with.

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