Quote when you conversate

OK, and here is something I shared with my class this morning, perhaps part of fuzzy boundary issue. I was talking to my class, and some of my students have Casey for another class. "Don't ever use quote as a noun in front of Casey." I warned them. "He doesn't believe that quote can be used as a noun. He insists it is only a verb. For the noun, he insists on quotation. Don't even try to argue it with him because we've photocopied the dictionary for him and showed him the entry. He is just adamant."


"This coming from a man who uses conversate in front of his classes."

They laughed and then some of them offered up times when he used conversate in front of them. They then said "Yeah, the proper word is converse."

I almost wept.

On the other hand, these are the same kids who don't know who Steve Martin is.

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