Hello Bunni. I Want to Play a Game.
Courtesy of Kiss Kiss-he made me my very own homage to Saw II!

I managed to get into Saw II with Rabid on Friday. Some idiot sitting next me kept saying "Yo dude. This guy has some issues." Yes thank you Capt. Obvious for your astute observations. Generally when someone makes it his life work to set up situations in which individuals must make grand sacrifices (cut off their own limbs, murder a mother and child) in order to survive, he probably has so many issues that he has the whole Time/Life book set. Just a guess.

Of course I got my period right before the movie. The tagline "Oh yes, there will be blood" took on a whole new meaning. Christ even my period has deeper symbolic content.

At the Panel at NYCFF, Bill Lustig and many of the other panel members were worried about the fate of "R" rated horror. The claimed the hope of "R" horror solely hung on the neck of Saw II. If what I saw Friday is any indication, we have years of seriously scary "R" movies to look forward too.

I would like to post my review now especially in lieu of the lovely work Kiss has put into this image, but unfortunately I only have so much time to run uptown and don my angel ensemble. I'm afraid it takes a bit of time to transform from a little devil into an absolutel angel.

I will give a brief taste of my feelings, not a real review as yet. Kiss thought he saw me squirm at NYCFF. He has no idea. There was a scene in that movie I almost channeled Linda Blair I was writhing so much in my seat. In terms of the writing, the loss of James Wan showed, but, of course, I got a couple of really nice lines out of it like, "If you're going to threaten me with a knife, you might as well cut me a little." Is it wrong that I find a line like that so sexy? Rabid was questioning our relative decenecy before the film even began. "We're sick," she whispered to me, "Really. We aren't healthy people." I countered that as Jung suggested in artists the membrane that seperates our id from our ego is much thinner, and therefore it can't be surprising that we are more in touch with our darker impulses. Of course, little Miss Darker Impulses held her breath a couple of times even though she claimed not to be "so scared." And I came out of that movie jacked-I was breathless and giggly in a way that boys in high school would be absolutely jealous over.

Sure there were flaws, sure there were script holes so large I could drive a double wide through them, but damn it was still the good spooky. And that's what really matters. (More intellectual analysis to come along with my thoughts on Neighborhood Watch and Nightmare.)

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