Personal Appearances
Ah yes, my adoring public. I know there are some of you who are desperate for an audience with the one and only Bunni. I hear your plea. For those of you who would like to hear me read, I'll be performing at an open mic at Rohr's Cafe on November 9th. I'll be honest with you, most of the poets there, well, you would get more enjoyment out of gargling with hot asphalt, but I'll be there and let's face it I'm worth it. Rohr's is located on 85th street between 2nd and 1st Ave. It's on the North side of the street right next to the Panorama cafe.

Also I will be rallying the troops to see Song of the Dead, a zombie musical which will be showing on November 5th at 10:45 pm at the Pioneer Theater. Say it loud, say it proud: BBBBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNSSSSSSSSSSS!

As for last night, I took today off. My friend the Amazon loaded me up with enough candy to put me in a diabetic coma for the next three months. She re-awakened my deep love of pixie sticks. My lovely friend the Marmit showed up in a drag and let me just say DAMN-it ain't right how good that boy looks in a wig and dress. He and I ended up dirty dancing together around two am, and I'm sure the video will be on sale at eBay soon. Remember, bid early, bid often. I am going to go channel my inner cat and take a nap. More reviews to come as well as more scandalous stories of angelic hooterliciousness.

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