Pre Paddy's Day Hijinx
I know, last week was spring break, and you are all disappointed that I didn't blog more and that I didn't finally finish Vegas diaries. I can almost hear Kiss Kiss cursing me, but you know he is ALLLLLLLLL the way in LA and well I can take him. (Yeah, just cos he's bigger, and a man, and from Jersey-I can still kick his ass.)

The night before St. Paddy's day, I ended up staying at the local far longer than anticipated. Now there has been debate about this following fact, but let me make this absolutely clear: this is a fact, if you dispute it, you run the risk of incurring a land war. Adrien Brody, yes the Academy Award winning actor and a personal crush of mine for quite some time, walked into the bar with a girl. Now his identity has been disputed. Why was he there? He was wearing a hat. We were drunk.

I'm going to say this again.

There aren't a lot of things that I know. Let me correct that. There aren't a lot of useful things that I absolutely know. But I know actors. In acting school, they used to call me the patron saint of character actors. If you are "ya know that guy whose in everything", the odds are I know your name. And Brody, well, I remember him from the movies that he probably wishes we would forget like Oxygen (oh the pain) and Angels in the Outfield not to mention the Affair of the Necklace, the Village, and King Kong. I know when Adrien Brody walks into a bar. The voice. The nose. It was him.

Now that we have established that it was him, there are certain rules that must be obeyed when you find yourself literally inches away from a guy only one year older than you who has won an Academy Award. And not an award for best cameo by a hamster in a short film. A Best Actor Award. Namely one must not bother him or acknowledge him in any way, but one must celebrate being the proximity of someone who has made your contribution to American culture feel infinitesimal by comparison. And then one must go home and leave garbled voicemails about it to all of your friends who could care less if James Cagney rose from the dead and ordered a bourbon on the rocks.

So I drank a later than I planned and danced with the Marmit and had a high old time completely ignoring and yet totally reveling in the Adrien Brody factor. And then I went home planning to rise the next early and help the girls at the local with St Paddy's themed make-up and other preparations

More to come...

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