As much as I have tried to avoid commenting on the war because I feel that everyone and their borhter is yiping about it (and deservedly so) I have two comments on the war I would like to post here. The first is that i actually heard a fox news reporter use the word ain't this morning. Ther had been talk previously at CNN about incorporating slang into nescasts as to make it more accessible to "the youngsters" the demographic that CNN most wants to capture and has the least success with. Of course I attribute this failure more to the matieral than to the grammar used. In addition to Fox using "ain't " (which means I will never again watch fox news) Dan Rather apparently said last night that the first bombs might have been intended to give Hussein the "heeby jeebies". Now who thought this kind of slang would be more accessible,hmmmm? If anything, it just illustrates how out of touch news casters are.

Secondly I keep hearing about these 35 countries who are with us. But which countries? Germany is against, France is against us, the Uk has issued a statement saying they "with the Iraqi people", China has said they disapprove of the use of force, Canada has told its citizens not to say insulting things about American, but clearly offered no support, so where the hell are these other 35 countries and why won't they tell us? I'm beginning to think this alliance is made up of Luxembourg and Micronesia and 33 other microscopic countries.

Julius Caesar was murdered on the steps of the Senate so that he would not become George W Bush (mad with power).

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