"I want them to feel their balls tremble" Kevin Spacey (as Buddy Ackerman) in Swimming with Sharks

One of my friends has handed out the old "you find men when you aren't looking." So why didn't he break into my apartment last night when I had no make up and was watching bad horror movies. I mean when exactly are you not looking for someone. There is only one time and that is when you are already with someone. Then the men come out of the wood work. I should have been taking numbers. Last year at this time i was getting "Time heals all wounds." but I have certainly proven that untrue. The truth is that time can sometimes act like acid on the skin, eating away at a wound, through bone and muscle, till there isn't anything left to heal. Sometimes there is no cure, there is no "moving on". Sometimes there is only how long it takes to kill you.
What a cheery thought for a Saturday night.
John still hasn't called.

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