"Anticipating Rejection" former student suggested this be the title of his or my next novel(actually it would be my first novel)

Ok so I'm having a really bad idea here, but I'm excited aboutit. So now, gentle readers, it is time for you be the judge. I just got in my little email box an invite to a singles cruise. NOW for those of you who remember january in which I went on the cruise with my distant cousins. (famous for the "when did you decide to become a jew?" incident) But the truth is with just the events part, especially when my family wasn't involved, I had a great time. Well now I have the opportunity to have a great time and be in a bikini (joy). Now I feel lame about doing a single cruise, but its to cool places and I think it could be a good time. But here it why I am scared. I am depressed and this seems like a good idea. And my golden rule is don't make big decisions when you are depressed, generally a bad idea. It's moments like that when you wake up married to some fifty year old guy and say "What the HELL was I thinking?" And what you were thinking was "Well, this SEEMS like a good idea." Right it always seems like a good idea at the time. And certainly when alcohol is involved anything short of sex with a flaming goat seems like a good idea at the time. Ok even sex with a non flaming goat doesn't seem like a good idea. Was that a double negative? See what a whole day of correcting does to the human mind?

Have to go-hot man named John called and is awaiting me. Thank you for the sacrificed lambs and chicken mcnuggets. Please thank appropriate divinities.

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