You better hope you have G-d's personal support because you are going to need his undivided attention

Ok I am having one of those weeks where I am the reason there is gun control, when even Wayne Lapierre would say, "Yeah we totally support the right of all Americans to bear arms, every cross-eyed, snaggle-toothed, Boone's swillin', Bubba belt buckle wearin' American I don't care how many psychiatric reports there are on the guy, I don't care if he's a three time repeat felon, I don't care if he uses kittens for target practice-the founding father's garanteed us this right and, like freedom of speech, we should all be able to avail ourselves to it......uh, except her-she REALLY shouldn't be armed."

If someone doesn't die by the end of the week by my hand, I'll consider it a personal accomplishment and I'll have to reward myself by taking in "American Splendor."

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