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?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla
courtesy of Chuckwacka

I'm kind of surprised, I was thinking probably more Eris ( discord-the one responsible for the Trojan War) or perhaps Minerva (I know I'm not nearly virginal enough), who was involved in wars, but wasn't an insane about the bloodshad as Mars.

However, in terms of story, I probably identify with Medusa who just got a cosmic screwing. Raped by a god( Poseidon), while she held the feet of the statue of Athena, begging for the goddess to intervene and save her, she was then punished by being transformed into a monster ( by Athena the very goddess she had pedged her virginity to) until she was slain. Her head was then affixed to the sheild of Athena.

I do love being a drama queen.

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