The Lost Boys
The title, of course, comes from Peter Pan and I'm sure J.M. Barrie, who wasn't generally a violent man, would have just LOVED it being applied to pseudo punk vampires in Santa Monica. For those of us who remember the Coreys, this was one of the last films they managed to do together. It also features the most unlikely vampire coven leader ( a tv salesman?). It does, however, have one of the best damn closing lines ever. Grandpa walks through his house, which has been destroyed by the vampire attack, and without flinching walks directly to the refrigerator where he removes a cream soda and says "One thing I never did like about Santa Monica, all the goddamn vampires!" My father and I loved it for that alone.
When I saw this film with my best friend from childhood we had to sit in the front row because all the other seats were taken. The opening scene (the rushing across the water) had a strange 3-D effect so it was like we were in the movie.
Premise: This convoluted plot involves a Russian ballerina and a strange coven of human/marsupial hybrids in the Australian outback.
Bad Bunni posted at
8/07/2005 12:51:00 AM |