Directed by Dario Argento and starring Jennifer Connelly as the young heroine, this film failed to impress me like his other work Suspiria and Opera although it does feature a stunning revenge killing involving a chimpanzee and a razor.. The soundtrack features Iron Maiden, and Donald Pleasance plays the whellchair bound etymologist who helps Connelly discover her gift.

Scene: An orderly under the control of an alien brain decapitates a cop with an axe getting not a drop of blood on his white uniform and then hails a cab with the bloody axe.

From the same film:The young teenage couple who manage to ellude the control of the alien brain and lock themselves in the school. As the townspeople attempt to break in, the virginal girl decides that it is this moment she wishes to lose her virginity. The boy, rather than focus on a plan to survive, submits to her desire.

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