Another Day in the Life of Bunni: Dude, where is my karma?
4:30 AM return from evening at Snapper Creek in which I managed to completely piss off some 19 year old from Minnesota moving here in January

5 AM Fall asleep on the couch

9:30 Wake up and put on the beginning of Wes Craven's the New Nightmare while I begin to organize my day

10:08 Receive phone call from my mother that my cousin is going to a Federal Prison for 4-5 years. Discussion: how long has she known about this (4 days), how long has my aunt/uncle known about this (much longer but specific time frame undisclosed), the fallout (seemingly none-the only people upset by this event seem to be my mother and I-even my cousin seems completely unphased), what is really wrong with my cousin (my mother seems to think that he is a pedophile and therefore has a severe mental illness-I think it more likely that because of the socially isolated way in which he grew up coupled with the meds he was put on he simply doesn't have a well developed sense of ethics/social norms), who is at fault (why is my mother and I feel guilty and his parents don't?) and family dynamic (why did I not get told about any of this until now? Why doesn't my family TALK about problems?)

10:40 Attempt to check email for good news-no luck

12:32 run downtown to pick up special yarn to finish pocketbook I am making for premiere of LovecraCked

1:19 return home

1:36 Kiss Kiss calls, first decent moment of the day

1:51 get off the phone

2:00 business phone call (financial)

2:19 business call ends

2:30 work on pocketbook while watching The New Nightmare-eat one slice of cold pizza

4:08 Finish pocketbook

4:10 paint fingernails pink with glitter topcoat

4:25 get into bath (amandando and elixir)

5:10 get out of bath and get dressed

5:17 let Bakerina into apartment

5:35 dressed and made up, collect bag of goodies for premiere (gummi brains, acid pops, killer rabbit, notebook)

5:46 leave apartment headed for ATM

5:48 discover my ATM card is missing

5:51 return home-borrow money for cab from Bakerina

6:00 block ATM card while en route to the Pioneer Theater

6:15 meet Kiss Kiss on the steps of Pioneer Theater

6:30 mingle with other LovecraCked viewers

700 Premiere begins

9:30 movie and Q and A end-Kiss Kiss and I repair to a bar for a much needed martini

10:15 leave bar

10:20 Get into cab

12:00 Finally get some much needed rest

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