I realize that my little poll is sexist and there should be a sister poll for women who give out the wrong number to men.

Thank you for taking the time to fill out our poll. Your responses will help us to improve our service in the future.

I gave you the wrong number because:

a. I just moved and received a new number, which in the fluster of meeting you I momentarily forgot

b. I am at the maturity level of the average fourth grader

c. Youou were totally oblivious to my obvious disinterest/disgust at your overtures

d. I can not date anyone who doesn't recognize Hagen Daas as a major food group

e. I am a closet sadist that secretly relishes the pain you experience upon the discover of the faked number, even though I can not personally witness it

f. I figured that you would be one of the Men Who Never Call, and therefore would never discover it is a fake number (also giving me the advantage of "rejecting" you first)

g All of the above.


Thank you for your support.

Boys? Girls? What to do you think? It certainly makes it easier to learn from past mistakes, if you know with great certainty what those mistakes are. And this would certainly be an interesting way to get it. (I know there is a PhD thesis in here somewhere.)

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