And now for a rant

In the last post I made a joke about men breaking into my apartment when I am asleep because arguably that is the only time I'm not looking for a man. But I would like to have a brief rant against people who offer the "it'll happen when you aren't looking for it" cliche for advice. I know what you really mean, that anyone that desperate, man or woman, is going to be avoided. I get scared off by desperate men myself. But when you say "it'll come only when you aren't looking for it?", when are you not looking for it when you're single? I mean really? As long as I am single, I am looking when I'm on the bus, in the supermarket, at the park, ( maybe not at the beauty salon) walking down the street ( Hey Jin-Can I catch it?) and if I the men who come after me are any evidence, there are thousands of men STILL looking even though they already have "it".

Ok I feel better now.

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