Sexual Harassment

Ok I have been the victim of sexual harassment, scarcely a woman in the western world hasn't. Two times were particularly offenseive. The first time was in high school. A guy I knew, who had dated a friend of mine, started touching me while we would walk to rehearsal for a show. I would tell him to stop but he didn't listen. After two weeks of repeatedly trying to get him to stop (including trying to avoid walkign with him), I had male friends accompany me around to and from rehearsal to prevent this guy from getting near me. ( The harassment ended when he graduated. What was particularly creepy was he was a jesus freak who was always wearing a button that says "jesus loves you." He may, but he should love you from a distance of at least 18 inches.)

The second has to do with my job. A fellow professor asked me if he could fantasize about me. ( I should add this was one of my first days of work.) I said "I don't see how I can stop you." He said "No no I want to talk to you about it." ( He never has, but he has, unfortunately, foisted many tales of his own sexual exploits upon me.)

But, I suppose at the very least no one has asked me to "engage in sexual activity with a dog." So, in the words of Bill Murray, at least I have that going for me.

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