Be prepared to be wrong

Ah Luke Duke has been sending me emails. As I said, initially I really liked him, now I am seriously annoyed by him. He is getting awfully clingy for a guy who hasn't met me yet.

Here's an abridged version ( omitting some biographical details) of his last email:

...Things will go well, I can feel it! You have to understand me and my empathy, it is never wrong, its what I go by and its never let me down, sometimes you just know...

Luke, Luke, Luke, Luke.

Sometimes you just know, huh? Well, baby, maybe this is NOT one of those times.

Let me tell you, men have had THAT feeling about me before. In fact, Speedfreak said he had that feeling the moment he met me.

So my advice, Luke, I would be prepared to be wrong, baby, in the worst damn way.

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