Rules for First Dates with Bunni

Although I have in the past scattered rules for dating on this site, I thought I might offered a quick list of dos and donts, all of them compiled from actual dates-

1. Don't bother talking up a second call/second date if you have no intention of making it-you wouldn't do it for a business meeting, don't do it to me-If it was a decent date that doesn't bear repeating a "I've had a great time" and hug are just fine

2. You asked me out so the burden of planning the date is on you. I will accept or rather enjoy being presented with options-ie we could go listen to jazz at the Blue Note or go see "The Exonerated", but at least have some ideas. Don't just call up and go "Um so what do you want to do?"

3. Don't hit on other girls while I am still on the date with you. Or if you must, at least wait until I go to the bathroom.

4. Don't ask yourself into my apartment. If I wanted you there, I would have invited you in already.

5. Don't make me say no more than once. If you ask me to come to your place, and I say no 15 times, probably you should take the hint.

6. Don't spend the entire date talking about your past awful relationships.

7. Don't spend the entire date talking about your familial problems.

* 6 and 7 both go to the "don't treat me like a psychoanalyst taking a case history" rule

8. Don't joke about getting me drunk and taking advantage of me. So so cliched.

9. If I tell you not to call me "shorty", don't call me "shorty". Even as a joke.

10. Do bring up that you have a girlfriend/wife BEFORE you ask me out. As one guy said before the end of the first date "I probably should have mentioned that before." Yes, yes you should have.

Did I forget anything?

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