Hell Comes to Frogtown
Ah yes a cinema masterpiece starring none other than Rowdy Roddy Piper as the hero in question.
"My girlfriend is a vegetable!"
From the same film "But she does this thing with two lawn chairs and a milk carton..."
This horror spoof actually stars the original Gomez Adams, John Astin, and the undiscovered George Clooney. Remember players
IMDB is your new bestfriend.
Blogger status report: Apparently things in upstate are very different. The caterer is due to arrive in the next hour and the "margarita party" is only from 5-7. I've just gotten into my "mexican" ensemble and will be putting on my make up shortly (which accounts for the brevity of the post). In the meantime, go visit
Bakerina who is having a hard time of it at the moment.
Bad Bunni posted at
8/06/2005 02:15:00 PM |