The Mistake Must Die

Ok so I was about to get up when the head of the department ( just for the summer) comes in and says "I was wondering if I could ask you a favor. It turns out that The Mistake is having some trouble with the readings, not because of any lack of intelligence, but just because of her training ( what was she trained to be a pilot?) it seems she is a little intimidated so I was wondering if you could tutor her on the Symposium."

At this point in the story, when I told my friend the Assless Wonder, he said "I hope you said 'Hell, no.'" Well I didn't because I don't want her kids to be totally clueless come the fall because their stupid ass lazy ghetto-ized imbecile of a teacher can't take the time to read the assigned reading.

And what, my add, kind of college professor is intimidated by reading WE ASSIGN TO FRESHMEN? I mean, c'mon if THEY can read it, then we should be able to.

So then I say "Well you know maybe she could just sit in my class on monday, which is when I am going to be teaching the Symposium that way I don't have to take time out to talk to her."

"Well" our idiot savant of a spineless leader says "She is really busy. I don't know if you see her, but she is always writing classplans."

Ok what? I'm NOT really busy? I'm teaching 18hrs a week and then 18 hrs of office hours on top of it, plus keeping up with the reading and grading homework for 80 kids? Oh wait, and I DO ALL THE READING. In fact, everything I teach I've read at least 2. ( Ok I haven't read the St Augustine twice yet but I have the weekend for that.) And what the hell is writing her class plans ON if she hasn't done the fucking reading? ( I'm sorry but this is an occassion where that word is appropriate.)

"Um Ok, yeah so I can meet with her on monday then."

"Ok thanks for that. It's great how we are all helping each other."

Yeah, or let's put it another way. It's great how I'm helping everyone else and I get absolutely no extra pay for it at all and the only thing I get to go home to is the knowledge that I helped some utter undeserving asshole keep her job because I don't want her kids, who will never know that I am their true benefactor, to suffer.

This is the reason the Jew don't have saints, people, too much competition.

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