Why teaching can drive you to suicide

OK so remember I was telling about the whole Boomhower1971/mysterywoman97 sitch. ( By the way I do know the specific identity of the student and have not released it here- I am still debating how exactly to handle it-whether I should report it to the powers that be or just ignore it and go with my theory that report only gives her the impression that she succeeded in her goal of bugging me). But I want to take a moment to clarify what really bothers me here. This was my student, I thought I taught her the importance of research and particularly google. All she had to do was plug in my name ( my real name) into google and she would end up at any number of incriminating places. For example, the first search result is for my wish list on amazon. She could see what I would like for my birthday-she could, from there have found the lists of my friends and family (for example my wish list is linked to my aunt's-it has my aunt's real address posted there as well). The next set of results is for commedia del sangue, so she could have found pics for a very young Bunni covered in blood hanging with her vampire brood friends. Finally she would have seen my name listed on some of the survivor boards that were going up the night of 911.

Furthermore if she had typed my screen name in she would have, quite reasonably, have ended up here. But she violated Machiavelli's directive on destroying your enemies. In order to effectively destroy them, YOU MUST KNOW THEM. If you just try some random plan you fail, but if you get to know their weaknesses then you succeed. All she had to do was find this site and she would have had more material than she knew what to do with.

So apparently after all that work she couldn't even take five minutes out of her day to work some effective revenge. Which I suppose is the best revenge of all-showing me exactly how much I failed her as a teacher

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