And now for the cheap sexual humor
Well I was down yesterday so the time has for more audience participation and this time with a cheap sexual twist.

I was cruising Joe Flirt's site, and a commenter had linked to a "male vibrator" or as one of my friends calls it a Mangina. So I followed the link...

Oh brave new world

I don't want to seem all prudish but lord I had no idea what the sex toy industry has been up to. For example the array of sex dolls available now is stunning including the MILF doll
or the 360 dollar
Jesse Jane’s Decadent Latex Love Doll.

Not for you, how about
the Ejaculating Dildo? I have to admit I was disturbed by the, uh, "cum recipe" suggested in the site which recommended a combination of condensed milk and egg whites. Can't think that's very hygienic. Although the alternatives espoused, one including yogurt, disturbed me even more.

There is also the "squirting vagina and anus."

yeah, I can't even come up with a joke for that one.

But here's the real fun of the site, there are customer reviews featuring fabulous lines like:

The moveable balls are a great feature (Yes, would that they were.)

Worst vagina I ever bought! ( Is it wrong that I want to make a t-shirt that says this? And incidentally, it also begs the questions how many rubber vibrating vaginas does one need?)

I just broke up with my fiance two weeks ago, and I don't miss her anymore! I don't know why I put up with her and her family's crap for so long! This thing is all the woman you need, minus the bitching, drama, stress, financial obligation, etc. that accompany the real thing! I'd go so far as to say that this thing gives me added confidence at the bar. You don't want to come home with me? Fine! I'm getting laid anyway! LOL! (Do I even have to comment?)

women are in trouble this thing is awsome . the best 30 bucks i will ever spend.(Great now I have to compete with a rubber vangina in order to score with some guy who hasn't mastered capitalization? )

Well now that I've revealed myself as a total puritan who must mock the sex toys I'm guessing that some of you out there have some sex toy humor or anecdotes you'd like to share with the class.

Yes you know you do.

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