Excuse me, I have to go swallow my tongue

"Because even garbage cans dare to dream."

Alright so I was in this staff meeting today and they make me want to swallow my tongue to begin with but then you add that EVERYTHING, yes everything that could go wrong did go wrong and that I am on my period and Ma Belle Ami who can usually be counted on for emotional support, or at least gratutitous (how the hell do you spell that word? I have no energy to look it up) compliments is off with his girlfriend (curse him, having a life, I shake my fist in his general direction) Well, the tongue swallowing factor just goes up exponentially.

You know what makes me weep for the future? Not that my students are lazy and distracted. No, it's that even English professors don't read anymore. I'm in this meeting today and we get this fist of hand-outs and this new teacher, and granted he is a new teacher, but I was the new teacher not too long ago and well remember the experience, is asking all these questions that were totally answered on the hand outs. Now I know you can read because you managed to get through grad school. C'mon people take ten seconds out of your day.

And the other thing is he is asking all these questions that the rest of us already know the answer to. He is taking up all this meeting time to ask questions that if he had any kind, and I do mean any kind, christ I think plants even have these kind of smarts, he would realize ok this is not something to take up time in a meeting, but rather to ask someone one on one so that our (collective) valuable time so I can do the things that desperately need to be done, like copy my syllabus (which I couldn't do earlier because the copier was broken) or contemplate the horror that is my life or question why the majority of dutch painting is so boring.

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